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Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Disclosure of Invitation to the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders on the Company's website
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Reporting Share Repurchase form for financial management purposes
Notification of the Resolutions of the Board of Directors' Meeting, Appointment of a New Director of the Company, and Change of the Authorized Directors (edit)