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Resolution to appoint a director (Independent Director)(Edited Template)
Resolution to appoint a director (Independent Director)
Notification of the Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the Year 2020
Notification of change venue of AGM 2020
Invitation to the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM of 2020) posted on the Company's website
The 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Date and Dividend Payment (Edited)
The 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Date and Dividend Payment
Notification of the execution of Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contract of Wind Power Project in Vietnam
Announcement of Public Holidays for the year 2020(Additional)
Financial Performance Quarter 2 (F45) (Reviewed) (Revised))
Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 2 Ending 30 Jun 2020
Financial Statement Quarter 2/2020 (Reviewed)
Financial Performance Quarter 2 (F45) (Reviewed)
Notification of Commercial Operational Date of Yamaga project in Japan
Reviewed financial performance Quarter 1 (F45) (Edited)